Newsletter / Freebie Forms

→  Once action is done, you can delete this canvas  :)
This is your base opt in page, feel free to duplicate this page as many times as you need for all of your opt ins! Just keep this main Opt In page as your base, duplicate and retitle to your opt in name and you're good to go!


  • Navigate to the form and DELETE the canvas view titled: "DELETE THIS FOLDER"

  • You will want to embed your own form, from your email marketing platform of choice, where it says </> Embed Form HERE.
→  Once you are done, you can delete this canvas  :)

This page uses a DEMO form. Showit forms should not be used for collecting emails or delivering opt-ins. 

  • Navigate to the form and DELETE the canvas view titled: "DELETE THIS FOLDER"

  • You will want to embed your own form, from your email marketing platform of choice, where it says </> Embed Form HERE.

Sign up to download!

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

Your tagline

form 01

Sign up to download!

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

Your tagline

form 01

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

Your enticing opt in title

form 02

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
Sign up
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Your enticing opt in title

form 02

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.]

Your enticing opt in title

form 03

We do not share your email and don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time :)
This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.]

Your enticing opt in title

form 03

Your enticing opt in title

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.]

form 04

Your enticing opt in title

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.]

form 04

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

Your enticing opt in title

form 05

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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Your enticing opt in title

form 05

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe the perk of opting in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Get the latest from [your name]

form 06

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe the perk of opting in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Get the latest from [your name]

form 06

We do not share your email and don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time :)
This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

form 07

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

form 07

We do not share your email and don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time :)
This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

form 08

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
Download Now
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Your enticing opt in title

form 08

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Enticing opt in title

form 09

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
Sign up
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Enticing opt in title

form 09

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
Sign up
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Enticing opt in title

Your tagline

form 10

This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
Sign up
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First Name

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

Enticing opt in title

Your tagline

form 10

Contact Forms

Your inbox
is about to get a little
bit happier!



Monday - Friday
9:00Am - 5:00pm PST


P.O. Box 3654
Seattle, WA 99876



Get In Touch

form 11

Your inbox
is about to get a little
bit happier!



Monday - Friday
9:00Am - 5:00pm PST


P.O. Box 3654
Seattle, WA 99876



Get In Touch

form 11

Your message is on its way


Welcome to [your name]. Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Seattle, WA

Get In Touch

form 12

Your message is on its way


Welcome to [your name]. Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Seattle, WA

Get In Touch

form 12


What Service are you INQUIRING about?*

Email Address*

Your Name*

Your inbox
is about to get a little
bit happier!



Monday - Friday
9:00Am - 5:00pm PST


P.O. Box 3654
Seattle, WA 99876



Get in touch

[Give a little ditty about your company, what you do or who you serve.] Fairness, vibrant innovation social innovation outcomes. Systems thinking policymaker improve the world; green space mobilize green space movements fairness and human-centered technology. Circular relief collaborative consumption milestones entrepreneur program area, activate.

form 13


What Service are you INQUIRING about?*

Email Address*

Your Name*

Your inbox
is about to get a little
bit happier!



Monday - Friday
9:00Am - 5:00pm PST


P.O. Box 3654
Seattle, WA 99876



Get in touch

[Give a little ditty about your company, what you do or who you serve.] Fairness, vibrant innovation social innovation outcomes. Systems thinking policymaker improve the world; green space mobilize green space movements fairness and human-centered technology. Circular relief collaborative consumption milestones entrepreneur program area, activate.

form 13

(555) 234-5678
Seattle, Washington & Worldwide

Thank you for filling out our form! We will get back to you toot sweet with some good info!


form 14

(555) 234-5678
Seattle, Washington & Worldwide

Thank you for filling out our form! We will get back to you toot sweet with some good info!


form 14

Your message is on the way!

Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Manhattan, NY

Come Say Hey!

form 15

Your message is on the way!

Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Manhattan, NY

Come Say Hey!

form 15

Your inbox is about to get a little bit happier!

Welcome to [your name]. Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Get In Touch

form 16

Your inbox is about to get a little bit happier!

Welcome to [your name]. Take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you at the soonest convenience.

Get In Touch

form 16